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Museum guide
Amasra Museum / Bartın

A large section of Amasra Museum was collected in Amasra which is an antique residential area, and its neighbourhood.

The museum consists of 2 separate sections, one is the archeological creations and the other is ethnographic creations.

In the section of Archeological creations, terracotta, and glass fragrance, bottles of tears, golden and bronze decorations, bronze statuettes, hooks, crosses, guns, kerosene lamps, pots that were obtained from the graves belonging to Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods;
Amphoras of different types and bowls that were extracted from the sea

Golden, silver and bronze coins of the very same periods;
Marble creations, statues, grave stelles, and various embossed architectural pieces pertaining to Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Genoa Periods are on exhibition.

In the section of ethnographic creations; works of art pertaining to Late Ottoman Period and pots reflecting the wooden art that is particular to Amasra region; various domestic goods, clothes that embody the taste of wearing apparel of the region, silver ornamental objects, Korans and carpets are on display.

Moreover, a map of Mediterranean which was pressed in the palace and dates back to 1852 is a work of art that can be also used for historical studies.

In the garden of the museum, the stone creations belonging to Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Genoa and Ottoman Periods are placed.

Kum Mahallesi, Dereoğlu Sokak No:4
Tel : (0378) 315 10 06 Fax : (0378) 315 31 35

The museum is open everyday except Mondays from 08.00-12.00 am to 13.00-17.00 pm.



In museum guide, the museums which are depicted, pertain to ethnographical qualities as they can be seen through the categories on the web site.
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Aksaray Museum (Zinciriye Madrasah)
Museums of Alanya
Amasra Museum / Bartın
Amasya Museum
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Samsun Archaeology and Ethnography Museum:
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Tokat Museum
Urgup, Fantastic Museum in Cappadocia (Private Museum)
Van Museum
Birsen Malkoç
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