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Museum guide
Kayseri Museums

The Archaeological Museum of Kayseri

It was first established in 1930 in the Hunat Hatun Medrese and moved to its present building built  in 1969.
The two storey museum in a 8704 m² garden, has a usable space of 580 m². The building consists of two large halls, a corridor and offices and storage area.

The display in the first hall starts with samples of the plain and coloured ceramics of the Old Bronze Age and alabaster idols. These are followed by items from Kültepeexcavations which belong to the Assyrian merchantilist Colonies Age which are given typologically.They include inscribed tablets, round, beak and clover mouthed jugs, bowls, vases, fruit cups, animal shaped drink cups (Rython), moulds, metal items, syclindirical seals and seal presses. In the narrow south section of the same hall there are the stone statues of the Late Hittite age and hieroglyph inscribed steles.

In the second hall; after the plain and coloured ceramics from Phrygian Age in the passage corridor, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine pieces collected from the vicinity of Kayseri, and tomb offerings from the Beştepeler and Garipler tumuli.
In the garden; Hellenistic and Roman and Byzantine age marble statues, tomb stellar, sarcophagi and large jars from baked earth are displayed in open air.

Tel : (0352) 222 21 49 Fax : (0352) 232 48 12
Pazartesi dışında her gün 08.00-12.00/13.00/13.00-17.00 saatlerinde ziyarete açıktır. 

Kayseri Ethnography Museum (Güpgüpoğlu Mansion )

It is located in Kağnıpazarı section of the Kayseri centre, in the medrese built by Hunat Hatun, the wife of Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad. The building is one of the best examples of open court and double anti chamber type Seljuk architecture. On each side of the antichamber at the end, there is a large room, and on the sides there is a total of 16 equal sized rooms, eight to each side. Displays are in these rooms.

Examples of tiles, weapons, woodwork, metalwork, manuscripts, rugs, kilims and man and women's costumes from the Turkish Islamic culture which reflect the local characteristics of Kayseri region are displayed at the museum. In addition to these the coins from the Turkish - Islamic period made from gold, silver and bronze are shown in a chronological order.

Museum is located in the males section (selamlık) of the Güpgüpoğlu Mansion and leans onto the walls of the outer citadel in the east. It has a two-storey dense mass. The ground floor which originally was for the animals is currently renovated as an exhibition hall.

The upper floor is reached with an exterior staircase. The rooms are arranged around a central hall. In the large room to the east of the hall glass, tile and wood - metal works from the Seljuk and Ottoman periods are displayed while the entrance corridor to the second room displays fire arms, sharp weapons and male garments. Female garments and ornaments are exhibited in the small room

In the larger of the two rooms to the south of the hall there are coins belonging to the Turkish - Islamic states and the other room have manuscripts. The large room in the west holds a collection of copper household goods, rugs and kilims.

In the semi - enclosed pavillion in the north there is a Türkmen tent. Tombstones from the Islamic period are displayed in the garden

08:00 to 17:00 hours every day can be visited.
Source: Kayseri Provincial Directorate of Cultural Tourism
Photos: kayseriden.biz

In museum guide, the museums which are depicted, pertain to ethnographical qualities as they can be seen through the categories on the web site.
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Adıyaman Museum
Afyonkarahisar Museum
Aksaray Museum (Zinciriye Madrasah)
Museums of Alanya
Amasra Museum / Bartın
Amasya Museum
Ankara / Museum Of Anatolıan Cıvılızatıons
The Ethnography Museum of Ankara
Ankara Museum Of Foundatıon Works
Antalya Museum
Aydın Museum
Balikesir - Edremit Ayse Sıdıka Erke Ethnography Museum
Bilecik – Söğüt Ethnography Museum
Bitlis Ahlat Museum
Bolu Museum
Burdur Museum
Bursa Museum of Turkish - Islamic Works of Art / Green Madrasah
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Çorum Museum
Denizli Atatürk and Ethnographical Museum
Düzce Konuralp Museum / Bolu
Edirne Museum Of Archeology And Ethnography
Edirne Museum of Turkish Islamic Works of Art
Gaziantep Museums
Gumushane İkizevler City Museum
Hatay (Antakya/Antioch) Museum
Isparta Museum
Isparta Yalvaç Museum
Istanbul / Dolmabahçe Palace
Istanbul / Museum Of Palace Collectıons
Istanbul / Topkapı Palace Museum
Istanbul / The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Works of Art
Istanbul / The Museum of Foundations Calligraphy Arts
Istanbul / Turkish Museum of Buildings and Works of Art
Istanbul / Foundations Carpet Museum
Istanbul / Yıldız Porcelain Factory Museum
Istanbul / Yıldız City Museum - Yıldız Palace
Izmir - Tire Museum
Izmir Ethnography Museum
Iznik Hagia Sophia Müzesi
Iznik City Museum (Nilüfer Hatun Complex)
Kayseri Museums
Konya Ereğli Museum
Konya Ethnography Museum
Konya Karatay (Encaustic Tile Works) Museum
Konya Mevlana Museum
Konya İnce Minaret (Stone and Wooden Works) Museum
Kütahya Tile Museum
Mardin Museum
Nevşehir Museum
Nevşehir Ürgüp Museum
Samsun Archaeology and Ethnography Museum:
Sanlıurfa Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography
Tokat Museum
Urgup, Fantastic Museum in Cappadocia (Private Museum)
Van Museum
Birsen Malkoç
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