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Museum guide
Gumushane İkizevler City Museum

Opened to service in 2006, Gümüşhane İkizevler City Museum is one of the typical examples of Gümüşhane mansions. Built in the 1920s, the mansion was restored and renovated between 2004 and 2006.

The building, surrounded by a garden, consists of a ground floor, one upper floor and the attic floor; it was constructed out of a wooden framework completed with filling material and it is coated with plaster. The museum consists of two separate mansions and the entrance is through double-winged doors both on the ground floor and on the first floor. The first floor features a projecting section with rectangular windows, under which there are wooden supports; known locally as “saçak altı” (stoa), this section was originally used as a room. It currently served as the service point.

The building, detached on its southern façade, features jerkin head covered with sheets of iron. As the Museum consists of two mansion buildings, it enjoys large and spacious areas for display; there is a kitchen, a cellar, three sitting rooms, two halls, one small room and the toilet on the ground floor. Entrance to the ground floor is through a double-winged wooden room. There is an access to the first floor from one the two mansions by means of an inner staircase; on the first floor, there is the guestroom for the bride, room for the mother-in-law, bedroom for children, a small hall, the section where local rug looms are exhibited, room for bride and groom, the guestroom and the kitchen. Entrance to and exit from the first floor is through two double-winged doors.

During restoration works, the attic floor was enlarged and divided into two large halls. In these halls, there are ten showcases in which ethnographical items are on display. These items are from the Ottoman era and recent dates.
Gümüşhane Governorship

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Museums of Alanya
Amasra Museum / Bartın
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The Ethnography Museum of Ankara
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Gumushane İkizevler City Museum
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Istanbul / Dolmabahçe Palace
Istanbul / Museum Of Palace Collectıons
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Istanbul / The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Works of Art
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Konya Ethnography Museum
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Samsun Archaeology and Ethnography Museum:
Sanlıurfa Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography
Tokat Museum
Urgup, Fantastic Museum in Cappadocia (Private Museum)
Van Museum
Birsen Malkoç
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