Beledi Weaving
Woven today only in the County of Tire of Izmir, beledi weaving is known to have been produced as ‘veledi’ in Konya and as ‘beledi’ in Bursa and Manisa and it is known as ‘karaoğlan dimisi’ in the other regions where it is produced.
Beledi weaving is a two-fold weaving with silk and cotton. The two faces of the fabric are bound together with patterns.
The most important features of this weaving are its durability and the structure of the workbench. The workbench used for beledi weaving is 3 m-high and 3-m long.
In general, beledi weavings are made up of floral motifs in a geometric organization and borders and frames ornamented with rosettes, gülbezek, dovetails, braids and kufi scripts. Notable motifs are ‘almond’, ‘box’, ‘celepiş’, ‘mirror’ and ‘star’.
Beledi weaving generally appears in two types of surface composition.
The first of these is the surface composition comprising consecutive or successive repetition of a motif and used for the surfaces of drapes, upholstery, bed linens and counterpanes.
The latter surface composition is made up of the concurrent use of multiple motifs in special forms.
Beledi weaving works are two-fold and sometimes, double-sided.
Single-sided weaving works have a white backside. The colours commonly used in these weaving works are red, blue, green, black, beige, golden yellow, purple and white.
The base of the weaving is dominated by dark colours, while motifs are ornamented with light colours.
Today, beledi weaving is only produced in Tire.
Source: İsmail Öztürk-Esra Kavcı, Dokumaya Giriş, Morfil Yayınları, İzmir 2007 İsmail Öztürk-Esra Kavcı, Beledi Ve Ehrem Dokumalarının Özellikleri Ve Günümüzde Kazandığı Yeni İşlevler, Motif Dergisi, Y.6, S.23, 2000 Nuray Yılmaz-Esra Kavcı, Ege Bölgesi El Dokumalarından Bir Örnek: Beledi Dokumacılığı, II. Ulusal Halk Dokumalarına Yaklaşım ve Sorunları Sempozyumu, Konya 1999 Hikmet Gürçay, Beledi Dokumaları, Türk etnoğrafya Dergisi, sayı XII 1969 Kenan Özbel, Beledi Dokumalar, Klavuz Kitaplar, El Sanatları IXV Ayten Sürür, İzmir-Tire’de Beledi Dokumalar, Türkiyemiz Dergisi, S.40, 1983 Ayten Sürür, Dokuma Sanatlarının İzmir ve Çevresinde Tarihsel Gelişimi, Beledi Dokumaları ve Bugünkü Durumunun Değerlendirilmesi,İzmir,1999,Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi Akile Ülkü, Halk Sanatları, Tire’de Beledi Kumaşlar, Fikirler Dergisi, 1946 Levent Hekimoğlu, Beledi Dokuma Teknikleri, Uluslar Arası Türk İslam Bilim Ve Teknoloji Tarihi Kongresi, İTÜ, 1981 |
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