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In Anatolia, a very rich and widespread tradition has existed for the spoons and also today, this tradition is kept alive despite the industry’s dominance.

Along with the dedication to national traditions notably with the sense of art, one of the reasons of the preference of wooden spoons over metal spoons is the lower conductivity of wooden spoons than that of metal ones, which heat up quickly. 

Spoons are made especially in forest villages. Wooden spoon making, which has been carried on in Konya since the Seljuk period, continues in many cities.

Spoons of Konya are famous for their hand-made decorations. The shaft, in-ladle and back of the spoons carved from box tree, oak tree and pear tree are ornamented with various patterns. Another important centre is Kütahya-Tavşanlı. Spoons of whose mouth and shaft units are trimmed with plantal and writing patterns are also famous for their non-perishable polish.

Trees like box, oak and pear are usually used in wooden spoon making. Various pictures, patterns and writings are compressed onto the spoons, which are cleaned with emery and shaped by the help of a small hatchet and rasp. Finally they are painted and polished.

In Anatolia, it is observed that the spoons are grouped traditionally according to types of meals. Unlike soup, rice, compote, meal, desert, milky desert, coffee, roasting, delivering (service) spoons, decorative spoons, which are never used, indicate the widespread and rich use of spoons.

Each of these spoon groups is prominent with their own traditional features. The soupspoon, which resembles an egg divided into two lengthways, is never used for compotes. The compote spoon is in an absolutely round shaped and is in the appearance of a divided sphere. Its shafts are unlike those of the soup spoon, as they are round and thin. The concavity of roasting spoons is limited, but their shafts are long. The depth of meal spoons is lesser than that of rice and soup spoons.

Today, besides meal spoons, the trim and folkloric spoons are also made.



H.Örçün Barışta ‘T.C Dönemi Halk Plastik Sanatları’ Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı 2005
Kültür ve Turizm  Bakanlık yayınları.

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