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Museum guide
Isparta Yalvaç Museum

You should spare some time for the museum in which you can see many different constructions such as marble fisherman head and wooden carved doors.

A dog sculpture that was created out of marble by skilled hands staring at you with its widely open-eyes........ A grave stele on which the faces of a couple who wanted to make their love last forever are depicted.........The Got of Moon Men (Antiokheia Antique City - Pisidia ) which dates back to Mesopotamia ........ The historical Holy Qoran embroided with handwriting..... the Gladiator staying as a relief in the museum garden instead of staying in the gladiator arena.... A golden amphoriscos on which a salamander is embroided....... A lion sculpture seems ready to roar in the entrance.......

All these structures and the others are depicted in Yalvaç Museum. Most of them were found out in the excavations made more than 150 years in Pisidia Antiocheia. The museum open since 1966 has a department of Prehistoric work of art, an Ethnographic Hall in which the works of art belonging to Isparta region are depicted, a Collonade Horseman Exhibition and a garden.

The Department of Prehistoric Works of Art is like the foot steps of Lakes Region in the Antique Age. Along with the earthenware objects(pots, bowls), marble idols, stone axes found out in Çamharman(Köstük) Mount belonging to Bronze Age, the human and animal fossils of 8 million ages found in Tokmacık make contrubition to the the people’s knowledge about the past and the history.

The ruins of the period between the Classical Age and Byzantium Age are depicted in the Big Hall of the museum. The sculptures of the god and goddes, liquor jugs, scent bottles, ornamental fixtures, keresone lamps are all in this mesuem....statuettes depicting mother goddess Cyble who is the Anatolian symbol of power, the idols resembling violin are worth seeing. In addition to goden, silver and bronze coin collections, there are also sculptures and busts in the museum. The crosses thar are the icons of Christianty that was important for a period of time in the region by the influence of St. Paul are depicted in the Big Hall.

The Small Hall is like a ethnographic atlas... Pistols decorated with pearls. Bindallı (a kind of local cloth) embroided with gilded silver thread, cotton socks, keresone lamps and pistols are shown in the showcases as the memories of the life styles in the past. The armors and helmets are the samples of the war; colourful napkins, uckur, cepken(local waistcoats) and üç etek(local dress) are the samples of elegance. In this section which is enriched with the jewelleries the women, an old house of Yalvaç has been enlivened. Wooden cupboards embroided manually,mantlepieces, brass trays, kitchen utensils and households arouse the feeling that the houseowner will come and sit against you.

The under arcade and garden, open sites in which the periods of Roman, Byzans, Seljuk and the Ottoman Empire.....grave steles, altars, epitaphs, relief sculptures, pedestals are arranged in a certain way to be seen easily.

Tel : (0246) 441 50 59 Fax : (0246) 441 49 37
The museum is open everyday except Mondays from 08.30-12.30 am to 13.30-17.30 pm.

In museum guide, the museums which are depicted, pertain to ethnographical qualities as they can be seen through the categories on the web site.
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Museums of Alanya
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Isparta Yalvaç Museum
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Istanbul / Museum Of Palace Collectıons
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Istanbul / The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Works of Art
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Istanbul / Turkish Museum of Buildings and Works of Art
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Kayseri Museums
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Konya Ethnography Museum
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Samsun Archaeology and Ethnography Museum:
Sanlıurfa Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography
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Urgup, Fantastic Museum in Cappadocia (Private Museum)
Van Museum
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